brief interlude by landlord

This is not about the upstairs neighbors but about my landlord. He has gotten really terrible and there is no real way around it anymore, I need to move. I had wanted to stay until I could afford a house but that doesn’t seem to be possible anymore. For the full story, please see my GoFundMe and read the description. If you have the ability and desire, please contribute. I hope no one gets stuck in a situation like this.

hissy fit

I was spending all yesterday canning and cleaning and getting things done. So I woke up at about 6:30 and finally got out of bed around 7:30. I turned my music on (low) and started canning.

Around noon one of the upstairs neighbors started stomping on the ground, kind of like they were telling me to be quiet. But you really can’t hear much upstairs. And my music stayed low and had been on the same loudness all day. They have my phone number and there were no calls or texts so I just kept on canning and listening to music.

The stomping continued every 5 minutes or so.

Then I dropped a bowl, it crashed. Right after, frantic annoyed stomping.

So I guess they heard me? Maybe? But then why stomp only after noon and not before? Why not call or text me? And even if they did somehow hear me, it is noon, get your lazy butt out of bed. I hear every step you take all night long.