brief interlude by landlord

This is not about the upstairs neighbors but about my landlord. He has gotten really terrible and there is no real way around it anymore, I need to move. I had wanted to stay until I could afford a house but that doesn’t seem to be possible anymore. For the full story, please see my GoFundMe and read the description. If you have the ability and desire, please contribute. I hope no one gets stuck in a situation like this.

moving in

First I would like to say a big thank you to Amie for the tag line of this blog. They are a special kind of special.

I have new upstairs neighbors and they are amusing, sometimes annoying, me to no end so I decided to start a blog about them.

It started a few weeks ago when they finally moved in. They had been visiting the apartment for about 5 minutes at a time every few days for most of June. They then finally moved in at 10PM on a Sunday.

The girl is unemployed until August so I am not really sure why they moved in so late and I still have no idea what they were doing for 5 minutes at a time without moving anything in…

locked out?

At work today I receive a text message from my landlord. The upstairs neighbors have been locked out. Am I home to let them in? At 10 am. No.

I am still wondering how the heck they managed to lock themselves out. They have a deadbolt lock on both the front and the back doors, both use the same key. Both can only be locked with the key. So they either locked the door from the inside and jumped out a 2nd story window or they lost the key. Either way, me letting them up my back staircase won’t gain them access to another locked door.

the laundry saga

Upstairs neighbors don’t like to read. This is what I have concluded. Both the lease and the ad for the apartment say washer / dryer hookups in basement.

I partially blame my landlord for not doing a walk through with them before they moved in, but then again, they should have insisted on such.

Anyway, back to the story.

I hear the washers and dryers going all night and it sounds like my dryer beeping but I assume that they have the same model. The next day I walk downstairs, the only washer and dryer down there are mine, with a big “1nd floor” written on the wall behind them (yeah my landlord is special too). The other side of hookups with a big “2nd floor” are empty. There are two piles of lint on the floor, not in the trash can, and the shelf above my washer and dryer now has their detergent on it. Top it off, they washed on hot.

So I decided to talk to them. They hadn’t introduced themselves yet and had been there only a few days.

I baked cookies and rang all three doorbells. I don’t think any of them work. Then I pounded on the door multiple times, knowing full well that they were home as I heard footsteps and waited until noon for them to wake up and start moving before knocking. No response. I left the cookies with a note introducing myself, stating when the street cleaning was so they didn’t get a ticket, and offering to help with finding cheap furniture / washer / dryer / etc.

They didn’t see the cookies or ignored them for a day and did two more loads of laundry on hot.

The next day I was sitting on my couch by my door, windows open, TV on, and they left me a letter in my mailbox (very clear that I was home). It thanked me for the cookies and apologized if they had been using my washer and dryer as they “must have misunderstood the landlord when he said they could use the basement.”